Thursday, 25 October 2012


With children, pictures appeal and working with visual prompts help them to see concepts that may be hard visualize.

In Kabaale Primary School in Kamuli District of Eastern Uganda, the children had a pictorial representation of what they understand with Violence Against Children. In their mother tongue LUSOGA they found it hard to express what they understand once you mention violence against children; but given a maker pen and flip chart they came up with pictures that implied that they had a lot to talk about the topical issue of Violence Against Children. Looking at this flip chart without any further explanation, you truly see violence done to children in this community. Carrying heavy loads (bricks), burning them, severe beating and defilement among others are most prominent. This exercise was done before any information on violence against children was given to them.

Interestingly; as you do stretch from East to the North of Uganda (Tororo, Kamuli and Lira) acts of violence against children keep changing depending on the social economic and cultural set up. But on the whole, all forms of violence against children namely: Physical, Psychological, Sexual and Economic violence exist among children in these communities.

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